SCN - Smart City Networks
SCN stands for Smart City Networks
Here you will find, what does SCN stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Smart City Networks? Smart City Networks can be abbreviated as SCN What does SCN stand for? SCN stands for Smart City Networks. What does Smart City Networks mean?Smart City Networks is an expansion of SCN
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Alternative definitions of SCN
- Saskatchewan Communications Network
- System Change Number
- Switched Circuit Network
- Specification Change Notice
- System Commit Number
- Saarbrucken, Germany
- Send Configure Nak
- SCeNe RTrace
View 80 other definitions of SCN on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SGS Seaport Global Securities
- SLS Strand Life Sciences
- SNC Suffolk New College
- SEPC Sunflower Electric Power Corporation
- SMG Swiss Medical Group
- SBTS Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- SME Spinneys Middle East
- SCDSB Sudbury Catholic District School Board
- SGHL Summerset Group Holdings Limited
- SSS Sally Salon Services
- SLPSB St. Landry Parish School Board
- SMFR South Metro Fire Rescue
- SDC Sentosa Development Corporation
- SMP Success Mortgage Partners
- SOTLA Stockton-On-Tees Local Authority
- SQLSI SQL Star International
- SPHCS South Point Hotel Casino Spa
- SGC Seashore Group of Companies